Don’t Wait

“When lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death.” James 1:15

My next door neighbor’s wife is dying. 

We recently noticed a lot of vehicles at the house. They were coming and going, Staying long hours, even days. This is abnormal for them. 

I finally had the opportunity to speak with him. We suspected it was something serious, and he confirmed it. His wife has end-stage colon cancer. He mentioned that she had been having trouble for sometime. But, she chose not to go to the doctor.  By the time she finally did, there was nothing to be done. She is now under hospice care and they wait.

Colon cancer has high survivability rates. Stage 1 is over 92%. Stage 3 still has a 40-50% rate. But once it  spreads, there is no cure. As with many forms of cancer, indeed, with most physical issues, early detection is key. Catch it early. Before the compromise has an opportunity to spread. Find it when it is localized. Then it can be excised, countered, or otherwise negated. If my neighbor’s wife had not waited, the outcome would have been different. It may well have been a life saver.

As disease works on the human body, so too does sin on the soul, corrupting the spirit and poisoning relationships. It infects our connection with Jesus. But to one another as well. How many times as a Shepherd have I had people come to me with marital problems, only to discover that it is stage 4 and there is little to be done? Far too often.

Wait you say, God can do anything. Yes, He can. For God to cure end-stage cancer is no stretch. He is able to restore tissue to healthy proper functioning. But yet people continue to die from diseases that could have been dealt with long before they seek the supernatural intervention of God to resolve. Had they brought Him into the situation earlier, there would be no desperate need to pray for such a dynamic healing.

All of us minimize sin. We think it is no big deal. Its danger is minimized. We tell ourselves, “It will go away. It will take care of itself.” All the while it continues to grow and grow. Eventually the harbored sin spreads and corrupts other areas of our person. It violates the integrity of our relationships with God, our spouses, children, friends, and fellow believers. We find our values, actions, even our thoughts have been affected. 

It is only when we become desperate. When the sickness openly manifests itself. When it has metastasized, and the spouse seeks a divorce, our child gets arrested, incarcerated, or otherwise compromised. Then do we cry out for help. Sin has become more than we can manage (as if we ever could). Then, finally, we admit that we need help. That intervention is necessary. We acknowledge the issue has spread. Unfortunately, too often, by then it is too late. Death has set in, when it didn’t need to.

Early detection is key. This requires believers to be attentive to their spiritual health. To daily practice preventative care, such as time in the Word, meditating on God’s truth, praying for His insight and wisdom. Getting check-ups is part as well. Having accountability with others who are following Jesus is necessary. Allowing them access to our inner lives, to ask the diagnostic questions that reveal hidden sin. And then, for us, to act upon what is revealed. To turn from sin, to head off the deteriorating effects by the application of confession and repentance.

No one is immune to sin. We live with the virus. The world, the flesh and the evil one, act upon it with regularity. But, Jesus is the cure. He is the balm of Gilead, the Great Physician. It is Jesus who by His atonement has brought us healing (Isaiah 53:5).

Valley Rim

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